
So Caroline took a few glamour shots of me on Friday night, because this newspaper in Vegas needed a high-res shot. Now, truth be known, I hate pictures of myself. Feel free to take them, but know that I never think I look good in a shot, so often, I'll intentionally make a weird face or whatever. So that's what I did in these shots. But I need your help, which one would you send in? I may even replace that bullshit that's in the back of the books. Actually, I definitely will.

Your choices.

#1 Creepy Hand Model Wearing Suit Jacket for No Apparent Reason

#2 Hangover of Biblical Proportions (Obligatory Hand)

#3 Super Closeup, Double Chin, Smelling Finger

So there you have it. I'm sending it off tonight so, be brutal and honest. Which one wrote the Amanda books?


Chris said…
Door #1, please.
Michelle Rowen said…
I concur. "Creepy hand model" is the one I'd pick since it's got an amusing edge. Second choice is "smelling fingers guy" but it's a bit too serious.
Anonymous said…
I sort of like door #3 the best. It's all moody. I feel your pain on the "hating pictures of yourself thing." I had headshots taken Saturday and I kept wondering "Who let that chubby girl with the crazy eyes in the shot?"
Anonymous said…
I like the first one...creepy hand model one.

The third one is good, but it's too off centered from the light. It could work though.
Kat Richardson said…
I'm with the crowd: #1 & 3. Carefully cropped and 'shopped #3 could be really nifty, and #1 is kind of funny.
Zita said…
I like # 3. You look very serious and writerly :-)
Bill Barnett said…
Hi, Mark. Picture #1 is okay, but I really love #3.

The lighting is a real winner here, and your expression says that you’re serious (when it comes to your work, one would suppose) without taking yourself too seriously. Also, the light visible in the top right, in my humble opinion, gives the photograph balance.

Lastly, I love that we can see your wedding band in this picture. Whether you realize it or not, this adds a lot -- both aesthetically and psychologically.

That’s my two cents.
Anonymous said…
#2 Looks like you are bored/tired/too much lighting in this room.

#3 Says "Hey there, read my book or die. Oh no, not a threat, just a warning!"

#1 Says it all with a hint of humor.
I'd say #1!
That guy definitely wrote the Amanda books.
Nicole Peeler said…
Okay, I've gotta go with Number One. Mostly because I can't get over the finger smelling thing, and memories of my guy friends in eighth grade telling me their third base strategies. Their propensity for sharing was both generous and soul destroying.

Anyway, gotta go with number one. Although if you hadnae said the finger thing about 3, I may have gone with that one, with some cropping or fixing of the lighting. Neither of which I would know how to do.

BTW, guess what I bought yesterday at our local B&N?


I like to start at the beginning. It's a very good place to start.
I vote for pose #3. If only there was a gory hand reaching out for you or just a hint of an image of a ghost.
Donna said…
I like #3. It gives me the impression you are up to something...
Definitely the finger smelling. The smell of your success is so strong even YOU can't get enough of it! (Was that a big enough pile of BS? 'Cuz I tried to hold back, I really did)
macbeaner said…
I love number 3. I think you look fantastic in it. However, #1 probably wrote Amanda. :)
Vickie said…
#1, that's perfect Amanda Feral fodder....
Shannon said…
Love the smelling finger guy!
Anonymous said…
I like 3.
Mario Acevedo said…
The stinky finger comment made me wonder about a picture of you giving yourself a prostate exam.
Anonymous said…
Have to vote for number three. One looks like your partially embarrased by the whole thing and its a matter of image that you need to project, you don't want people thinking that you're ashamed of your product. Number two as stated is too hangeroverly (if such a word exists) and three has that quality that says mysterious.
Janicu said…
I don't suppose there are any pictures without your hand covering your face? You're like my husband, he gets a funny look on his face if the camera is pointed at him! If I had to choose - #1. In #2 you're squinting, #3 makes me think you're smelling your hand, though you are looking straight at the camera which looks cool. Hair, outfit, glasses, dark atmosphere = Good. Looks very writer-ly!
Mark Henry said…
Thanks y'all. #1 is the winner. The comments that #3 looked writerly and serious killed it dead.

If you want to see the proctology set, subscribe to my live webcam!
Nicole Peeler said…

That is going to stay with me all day. All. Day.
Michele Writes said…
Well, after my therapy session where I was told "I didn't need be afraid" anymore, I like #1 and #3. My therapist said I wasn't allowed to view #2 again. Ever.
Dude #3 Def I am a Writer look!!
I am deeper than you think... I is intelligent....
GTPeach said…
I love the first one!
Jeanne Stein said…
#3-- makes you look all broody and shit.


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