Guest Ghoul: Stacey Jay, author of You Are So Undead to Me!

Stacey Jay here....

When Mark Henry asked me to think up something for the League blog that was both Funny and Zombie...well...I was a bit daunted. That's no small task. Mark is, as we all know, the king of Funny Zombie. As a mere handmaiden in the court of his awesome, fashion-forward, undeadness, I felt unprepared.

Minutes after accepting the blog-op, I freaked out, had an adult beverage (because even YA writers can do long as we're of age in our given country and it's five o'clock somewhere), then did what any self-respecting, sleep-deprived mom would do: I turned to my children. (Because they're funny. The four year old, anyway. The one causing me sleep deprivation is only four months old and not up to Hilarity just yet. But he's working on it.)

So here are a list of Funny Zombie things my Four Year old thought should be in my next book:

1. Zombie Karaoke
Beacause Singing + Zombie = Funny

(If we could time travel, we could go to this and that would be awesome!)

2. Zombie Leprechauns
Because Zombie + Leprechaun = funny and scary

And cute!! Awww sock monkey leprechaun zombie!!

With a shamrock on its ass!!! Must have! Must!!!
(Buy it here

3. Zombie Donkey
Because zombie + donkey =....ummm......zonkey?

I have to admit I wasn't wild about this one, but the idea had Four absolutely in STITCHES.

"Ha! Zombie donkey, that's so funny mama!" Convulsions of four year old hilarity ensue. "So silly! Ha! Bwuahahaha!!! Donkey! Zombie! Bwah!!"

I nodded indulgently, and told him I'd google it, secretly thinking the chances of finding zombie donkey action were pretty slim because how dumb was that? Zombie donkey? Stupid four year old. (Kidding of course!! I would never call my precious Senior Loin Fruit stupid and mean it. He is the most brilliant little critter ever and will probably cure cancer or invent something cool like fridge magnets or maybe just get really really good at video games.)

But mama got schooled big time. Look at all the zombie donkey action:

There's a t-shirt entitled "zombie donkey"

(You can buy that here:

There was a cartoon:

And there was this:

Ha! That last one made me snort coffee. Love it. Kind of want to see that kid get eaten. Just kidding again...mostly.

So there you go! Zombie + Blog + Stacey Jay = Amusing (hopefully)

For more Undead funny visit Stacey Jay at her website: or rush right out and buy "You are So Undead to Me", Stacey's debut novel with Razorbill books, now available wherever people who think donkey zombies are funny buy books! And Amazon too!

(Disclaimer: There are no donkeys, zombie or otherwise in "You are So Undead to Me". Also, no donkeys or zombies or leprechauns or karaoke machines were harmed in the making of this blog.)


That last picture just about did me in!!
Anonymous said…
Oh wow, that was hysterical... thx!!
alanajoli said…
That brain is a heck of a carrot...

Yeah, zombie donkeys totally win. :)
Anonymous said…
Zombie Donkeys!! Haha, Donkeys, they will eat you alive! Sorry, that picture is just hilarious to me.
T.M. Thomas said…
Zombies. Not real but very scary.
Flesh-eating donkeys. Very real and not scary.

I snorted iced mocha. Love it.
Qwill said…
LOLLOL But there is a zonkey. It's a cross between a zebra and a donkey. No zombie needed!
GB said…
Ok, the zombies were pretty amusing.

'Senior Loin Fruit', on the other hand, made me choke. In a good way.

Amanda Ashby said…
Great post Stacey! I had the best Elvis karoke scene in my book before it got chopped but I totally agree - zombies + karoke = funny!!!!!!! (oh and I so nearly got attacked by a zombie seagull when I was jogging yesterday - but that wasn't funny. Just scary!!!!!)
Diana Dang said…
Haha! You got a smart boy there!
Anonymous said…
Mehehehe, this was a funny post. I had no idea donkeys could eat you alive.

Erika Powell said…
that last picture is hilarious and i love the word zonkey. I also think zombie karaoke would be funny
Stacey Jay said…
Hey Everyone!!

Thanks for commenting on my post!! I'm so glad you enjoyed it. I'm on vacation and just got internet access. Hope everyone is having a great spring break/beginning of spring/whateveryou'redoingthisweek,

Stacey Jay

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