How Stel-- Anton Got His Groove Back

Book 1? On the shelves. Book 2? With my editor while I await my editorial letter. Last short story? Turned in by deadline. Anton? Not writing.

All my current deadlines, in the business contractual sense, are met right now. I'm mostly done touring the book. And now I'm not writing because at first I was all "Hey, cool! I can has nap nao!"

But I know there's a book three in the series since book two ends on a cliff hanger (sorry, readers of next year!) I should be getting to it... but I haven't been able to.

Here's the thing: if the sales of Dead To Me that I can discern are any indicator, I'll have at least five digits worth of people waiting to see how several things turn out. All those eager peepers on you, that's a little daunting when you feel like the littlest writer evah!

So what to do? First, as best I can, I have to ignore their existence and focus on the story, having faith in what I set out to do in the first place- to write a story I would love to read. Dead To Me certainly had that for me. Book 2, Deader Still, even more so. So in the face of potentially disappointing thousands of people, I have to do the hardest thing which is having faith in myself.

Sometimes I don't know how the more popular writers do it, but I take heart that I still know what I like to read, and therefore will go forward and create something I would love to read if I wasn't the author of it.

I wonder how the rest of the League feels... League? Assemble!


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