Look, Up In the Sky!

Finally -- the candidate we've all been waiting for! Do not read this when sipping coffee.

(For one of the funniest things you'll see today, be sure to go to the Kids section.)

And for those of you who commented in the contest blog from last week, thank you! The winner, picked by random number generator (all hail) is...

Kimberly B!

Huzzah, Kimberly! Please email me at J A X aht J A C K I E K E S S L E R daht C O M with your postal addy, and I'll send you a signed copy of the LILITH UNBOUND anthology.

Well, that's all for today -- it's my 11-year anniversary, so I'm off to spend some quality time with Loving Husband. Maybe next week, I'll finally post that article about cartoon superheroines. (Unless another comic book villain decides to run for office...)


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