Gratuitous Self Promotion!

I got my first author quote for Tempest Rising! From RACHEL CAINE!

"Grounded equally in ancient myth and the challenges of modern life, Jane True lives up to her name ... true, and truly unique!  A fascinating, fast-paced, sexy storm of a book." - Rachel Caine

I'm shitting in my pants!


Heather C said…
Congrats Nicole!!! That rocks!!!
Awesome news! Big Congrats Nicole!!!
Collette said…
Who knew I'd one day be congratulating someone for shitting in their pants? (Or the reason for it anyway but my version sounds better.)

That's wonderful! I love Rachel Caine. Congrats!
Nicole Peeler said…

Collette: For once it's not because of the activia!!!
Jackie said…
Donna said…
Congrats Nicole, that's spectacular news!
Nicole Peeler said…


*snoopy dance*
Yay, you! There's nothing quite like the "Holy shit, a real writer likes my book!" feeling you get from your first blurb.
Nicole Peeler said…
I know! YAY!!!!!!!!
Pat said…
Never mind the "snoopy dance". you have to get serious and do the "underwear dance". Enjoy this exciting time in your life!!
Nicole Peeler said…
I may JUST have been doing the snoopy dance in my underwear! It's our secret! ;-)

And thank you!!!
Anton Strout said…
although I prefer "I'm shitting my pants! Tempest Rising is THAT good!"
-Anton Strout
Nicole Peeler said…
I'm calling my editor, STAT. I'm seeing that, front cover, scrawled over Jane's boobies. HOT.
Vic said…
Excellent! You know, I really can't wait to get my hands on this book.
Nicole Peeler said…
Thanks Vic!!! Neither can I!!! ;-) November seems SO FAR AWAY!
Congrats! The book sounds awesome. I'd love to have a chance to review it. Please contact me at preternaturalpaperbacks at Gmail dot com if you're interested!
Thom said…
Forget the underwear, this calls for the Pink Pube Activa Snoopy Dance of Victory!

"True and truely unique" -That is thirty-one flavors of awesome. And of course it's a sexy storm of a book, you wrote it.

So cool. I can't wait until it comes out.
Nicole Peeler said…
Patrick: That sounds great! I'll be in touch! Thanks!

Thom: Thanks! I really love the quote, touches on what I think is important about the book. Anyway, thanks for the support. Still waiting on pink pube t-shirt. ;-)
Vickie said…
Congratulations!! Happy shit-teth-ing thy pants!
Nicole Peeler said…
Thanks Vickie! YAY!
GB said…
Woot! That's so cool!

(The author quote part, not the shitting your pants part. I imagine it would get uncomfortable after a time...)
Nicole Peeler said…
JD: Thanks! And ha, yes. Although, as Adam Sandler says, it IS cool to pee your pants!
Awesome! Congrats!
Can't wait to read it! :)
Nicole Peeler said…
Thanks, Jessica! :-) You're on the list.

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