Last Call for Winners

I announced the five winners of the "Psst. Want a copy of B&W" contest last week. Really, I did. But as of today, only two of the five winners emailed me with their postal addresses.

I feel so unloved.

My therapist tells me I need to be more proactive. And so, this is the last call for the remaining three winners: If I don't hear from you by midnight Tuesday, May 26, I'm picking three new winners on Wednesday, May 27.

Come on, winners. Prove that you love me. Email me with your postal addresses so you get get your copies of BLACK AND WHITE.

Signing off to write some macabre poetry or something.


Falcata Times said…
If someone doesn't want thier prize Jackie, I would hug it and love it and call it george. LOL
Liyana said…
Aww, I'm sure they'll contact you soon! If not, there's always me. ;)
Don't feel unloved! Look at it this way: they were so stunned by the awesomness that is winning Black and White that they are in a temporary coma-like stupor. Yes? Maybe?
Heather C said…
I would give a copy of B&W a great home. Lots of love and a margarita for you. :)
Seriously folks, this is a GREAT book! If you can get it for free from one of the authors, do it! Check out my review,
Anonymous said…
Last call for winners? Oh!

raises hand and hoots enthusiastically

Pick me! I'm a winner! I'm a winner, give me my book now.

No, I haven't taken my meds today. Why do you ask?
Karen W. said…
Me too! Me too! I want a copy of "B&W!"

Are we wrong and bad to be rooting for you to pick again?!? :)
Vickie said…
Put me in, please, for one if no one steps up.
Pat said…
It's hard to believe anyone would enter a contest, and then walk away from the prize. If the rest of the winners don't come out of their hiding places, you can see that you have some interested people here. Maybe I will be one of the lucky ones who gets a chance to read your book.
Vic said…
I'll happily email you my postal address...
Nicole H. said…
Pick me Pick me!
Suzette said…
Uhm, yeah, I'm with everyone here. I would also give it a good home. You have to be on it winners, so we don't snatch it from Seriously, we want to snatch it from you.
Jackie said…
Still haven't heard from the three holdouts. Looking like it'll be a redraw. Will check first thing in the morning. Stay tuned.
Gaby317 said…
Please count me in!

gaby317nyc AT gmail DOT com
Sara M said…
I'm almost obsessive with my contest checking. Anyway, I posted in the original contest entry, but I figured I'd post again here just in case. I would love to take one of those copies of Black & White off your hands. Lol.

silentalibis AT yahoo DOT com
I'm still sayin' it's the coma. Or alien abduction. Maybe they are super heroes and were called to duty! Am I stretching it now?
Anonymous said…
OHHHHH, I hope you pick me, I would give it a good home and review it on Night Owl Romance!!!
Jackie said…
All right. Back to the drawing board...

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