You're Not Leaving the Table Til You Eat That Truck Driver!

Naw, I don't suppose vamp moms are that worried about three squares a day and the food pyramid. (Or is it a tree now, I can never remember?) In fact, like many of my League buds, I figure they're kinda whacked. Or in danger of getting that way.

Which is why it's probably a good thing my vamp's mom died in childbirth. Because, face it, she'd just be pissed off all the time now. His first marriage fell apart. He's killed so many people he can't even keep count anymore. Plus he didn't even go to college. (I think she'd like his house though. He's got all that No-way-am-I-a-vampire landscaping going on.)

If I was going to write about the Mother of All Vampires, I think I'd have her throw a bitchin' Halloween party--and then turn all the guests who lost the costume contest into punch.


How could she NOT be proud of Vayl? He turns into an Ice Man! *sigh* Vayl...mmm...wait, crap, what was I saying?
Ha! Your Mother of All Vampires sounds like my kind of hostess...
Nicole Peeler said…
*takes up where Jackie left off* Mmmmm . . . . Vayl . . . . .
*passes Nicole a towel* I think I see piranhas swimming in the river your drool made.
Jennifer Rardin said…
Glaaagh....(this is also the sound Jaz makes when Vayl helps himself to her carotid contents. Luckily she's not aware of how much she sounds like a congested welder, so at this point it's still all good. Let's hope she never decides to record the "magic moment"!)
Nicole Peeler said…
Thanks Jackie. *shields her from piranhas*

Jennifer: Glaaagh, indeed.
Sally said…
I think the bit about turning the losers into punch is about the cleverest thing I've read this week.
Thom said…
I see the point anonymous is trying to make, but I think he's missing the big picture,
Anonymous said…
Your message is all computer geek (greek?) to me, Anon.

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