Throwin' that gauntlet down!

Yes. Here I am, throwing it down. And who am I throwing it at?


See, last night I was hanging around on Twitter. (What? I wasn't avoiding work! No, no, not me! I was, um, keeping tabs on everyone else. Because that's my job.)

Anyway. I was on Twitter. As was a certain Miss Jaye Wells. And Miss Jaye was bemoaning her own lack of balls--figuratively--when it comes to doing awesome things with her hair. To whit: Jaye feels that, had she any GUTS, she would do black-and-red streaks in her hair like the fantastic heroine of her fantastic book RED-HEADED STEPCHILD (and its sure-to-be-fantastic sequels, as Jaye is a kick-ass writer).

And you know what? I personally feel the same. If Jaye had any guts, she would do it.

And so the gauntlet is thrown. IF Miss Jaye does the hairy deed, and goes black with red streaks, *I* will put red streaks in my own bleached-white hair. And I'm talking red, folks; dark, primary-color red. AND I will post pictures here on the League blog.

So. Do you think she'll have the nerve? Do you think I'll follow through? Whose will look cooler?

I'm betting she'll wimp out. Who's with me?

You have two weeks, Jaye. Tick-tock. Tick-tock.

Let the trash-talking begin!!


Terri said…
oh... I think that Jaye will not turn down a Dare !
Jaye Wells said…
Aw, hellz nah!

I do believe the agreement was we'd both do it together. Seems to me you're praying I'll back out so you don't have to do it.

Looks like this Candy Kane's got no flavor.
Stacia said…
Oh? We had an agreement? I think your fantasy life is beginning to take over, Jaye, just like Tom Hanks in MAZES AND MONSTERS.

I don't remember an agreement I remember a DARE.

There's plenty of flavor in this Candy Kane. I'm just waiting for you to step up, woman. Or should I say...girl?
Jaye Wells said…
I believe we discussed doing it at Dragon*Con. However, I'll tell you what. I'm totally game, but I think we need to sweeten it a bit. And I think the Leaguers need to decide on the be involved.

So how about it Leaguers? If I dye my hair red and black in the next two weeks, not only does Stacia have to dye her hair, she also has to ... ? Hmm?
Jaye Wells said…
BTW "On the be involved" is slang for "bring it, bitch."
Michele Writes said…
I think you both will look hot with red streaks in your hair. May I suggest:
KL Grady said…
If I dye my hair red and black in the next two weeks, not only does Stacia have to dye her hair, she also has to ... ? ... write m/m slash featuring Mark and Mario.

... join RWA.

... get a Jaye RAWKS tat.
Nicole Peeler said…
They sell bright pink pube dye at my hair salon.

I'm just throwin' that out. Make if it what you will.
Jaye Wells said…
Ok so Nicole has joined the challenge, by promising to dye her undercarriage. Thanks for volunteering! (Although I do think we'll have to give her a pass for the photographic proof portion of this challenge).
Jaye Wells said…
OMG that Vampire Red manic panic makes me both excited and a little nauseous.
Stacia said…
Go, Nicole! Although in keeping with the spirit of things I do believe rather than pink you should go red. And yes, we will give her a pass on the pics.

KL, I've already written some Mark/Mario slash (um, for my private entertainment), so that'll be easy. But hey, since when do I have to be the one to do extra stuff? What does Jaye have to do if I follow through?
T.M. Thomas said…
I had a comment until Nicole showed up. Now I'll be sobbing softly over in the corner.
synde said…
oh believe me Jaye..if you do it so will she. I know Stacia she gots some balls. Have at it's a nice view from up here in the bleachers. ha ha bleach..
Stacia said…
Nauseous? Aaaw, Jaye can't handle it. Too bad.

Hee, I've been the Deadly Nightshade color twice. It's really pretty.
Jackie said…
And here I was thinking about adding highlights to my hair. That was the epitome of daring to me. But I've been trumped not just by streaks but by pink pubes. Yeah. I'm a freaking square. Pass me my cat's-eye frames, wouldja?
Stacia said…
Oooh, now Jackie's going to add blonde streaks! DO IT DO IT DO IT DO IT.
Jaye Wells said…
A) You challenged me publicly. Thus opening yourself up for reprisals.

B) I still haven't paid anyone back for the Gun Bra incident, and you happen to be handy.
Jaye Wells said…
Oh Jackie's playing too! Yippee!
Stacia said…
Oh, Jaye. You and your petty little need for revenge. I was only peripherally involved in the Gun Bra Incident, if you recall, but if you really need to lash out like a child at me, you go ahead.

But I STILL say you should have to do something too.
Jackie said…
I need to do something different. Besides cut off the split ends.

I told my hairdresser a few months ago that I was thinking of adding purple. He wouldn't let me. Could be mistaken, but the message seemed to be that ship had sailed.

You know you're getting older when your hairdresser smacks you down for wanting a non-natural hair color in your hair.
synde said…
aw yer all blue manic panic on the way home from work today....come on ladies..grow a pair...
KL Grady said…
Stacia said: What does Jaye have to do if I follow through?Hmmm. Photographic evidence that she owns and wears a thong with Sabina Kane's face?

As for the Mark/Mario slash, I think it's high time you shared that on a blog, missy!
Jackie said…
Synde, the only pair I have are safely tucked behind an underwire bra.

That's right. I said underwire.

I was Xena in another life.
Nicole Peeler said…
TM: What did I say? ;-) Iz just lil ole me.

And how do you know the undercarriage isn't already dyed?
synde said…
Jackie--I don't believe you..I know you have the just gotta call it to the surace!
Jackie said…
I do! RAHR!!! **Jackie dashes off to floss with barbed wire**
Alas, the day job prevents me from adding unnatural colors to my hair.

I think I'll go sit quietly in the corner with TM while he sobs.
Thom said…
I was going to say something, but I got distracted by Nicole's pink pubes.
Nicole Peeler said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Nicole Peeler said…
Okay, I'm going to try this again with both hands. The other was previously shoving sushi in my face.

As for day jobs, I'm lucky as I get to be the crazy, liberal, yankee, urban fantasizing, wacky professor. People expect the crazy, from moi.

Thom: Nice. I strike again.
Wendy said…
Go, Jaye! I think it's going to look awesome.
Daelith said…
Like Kelly, my job prevents me from giving in to my inner goth and doing anything really funky or fun with my hair. I'll have to live vicariously through the rest of you who can.
Looking forward to seeing pics of the results.
Jeremy F. Lewis said…
/wonders if he should dye his beard blue...
/ponders temporary funky dye just for Dragon*Con
Nicole Peeler said…
Jeremy: I know a story about someone who ended up w/ a pink goattee. It wasn't intentional, and may pertain to my other comments.

Kelly: let's totally rock out for Dragon*con.
Jaye Wells said…
And now Jeremy's volunteered! Thank, man!
Jackie said…
Okay. I'm getting my hair cut & highlighted on Tuesday. It won't be colorific. But it will be highlighted.
Stacia said…
GO JEREMY!! I like a man with balls. And that's both literally and figuratively. Heh.
Nicole : it's a deal! I have dark hair, and I've always wanted to mix in some purple.... *g*
Jaye Wells said…
So? Any other League members willing to man up? Mark? Anton? Jeanne? Mario? Diana? Don't make me call all of you out? Cause I'll do it.
Nicole Peeler said…
Kelly: You may have to bleach it out to get the purple to show.

Jaye: I'm going to the salon Friday. I'll do something thrilling and extreme just for you. ;-)
Unknown said…
A pissing war over hair color? If this were in any other arena I wouldn't take it too seriously but after seeing the bones left from previous contests someone should tell Jeremy to run while he can still see his natural color!

And I've got you all beat since I've been slowly dyeing my hair gray for years. It almost looks natural. ;)
Anonymous said…
Wow. I'm almost afraid to comment. I'm like Pike, I've been going platium for years, one hair at a time. Very dramatic, very subversive. Oh yeah.

If Stacia goes red and white striped, maybe Jeremy should bleach in some white stars in her about to be blue beard, then they can stand next to each other and pretend to be the American Flag.

a couple of patriots like you, you know you wanna do it.
Anonymous said…
Oops, Jeremy is a HE not a HER. My bad.
Mark Henry said…
I just jello dyed my gray pubes blue so I'd look like Channing in Pink Flamingos. Does that count.

Probably not since, I do it for my own amusement.

Also, there'll be no hair dye going anywhere near this head. Last time, there were reprisals.

Oh and Stace, feel free to post your Mark/Mario slash but beware, I own the copyright on those photos!
Falcata Times said…
This is getting scary. I think I'll safely stick with Black/Blue. (It looks black but when the light catches it theres a hint of blue there.)
Jaye Wells said…
Gareth, pretty soon we'll all look like members of Dead or Alive.
Falcata Times said…
LOL, when I get a migraine Im very corsair. LOL
GB said…
I thought I had something to say, but Nicole's comment broke me. Still.

I'll just be in the corner over there with TM and Kelly.
Nicole Peeler said…
Dude, why do I always get blamed for everything?
Stacia said…
We should all dye our hair and then descend on bookstores in a loud, multicolored flock.
Stacia said…
P.S. Mark, you big wimp.
Thom said…
Nicole- You're not being blamed so much as getting credit where credit is due. It's much more positive. Blaming is only for things that are wrong, and if pink pubes are wrong then I don't want to be right.
Nicole Peeler said…
Thom: Please make that last bit into a t-shirt. PLEASE.
Brooke Reviews said…
lol this is great. I don't know who will really go through with it, but I'm sure they will both look fab! ;)

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