Zombie Raccoons & Killer Bunnies anyone?

What can I say? I'm a giver. I like to share. Especially when it is as ridiculous a cover as this for an upcoming anthology I'm in.

Includes for lizzie, a short story about a day in the life of Godfrey Candella, head archivist for the Department of Extraordinary Affairs' Gauntlet Division from my Simon Canderous urban fantasy series. There's a host of others fine authors in there, but I haven't had a chance to read any of them yet. Mine, despite the package, is a little bit of a tear jerker. Coming October 6, 2009.

I can't tell you how awesome I find this package. Not a bare midriff, tattoo , or leather pantsed girl to be found!


I was hoping for a more "Bunnicula" feel for the rabbit, but it's awesome nonetheless!
Anton Strout said…
It's got sharp pointy teeth.. lookit the bonesssss!
Nicole Peeler said…
Do you have any idea how terrified I am of raccoons? Seriously? They have tiny, tiny hands. With thumbs! They're HORRIFYING. And now this one has glowing yellow eyes and fangs. I'm so never sleeping again.
Anton Strout said…
My work here is done!
Nicole, just think of The Great Outdoors the next time Rafe the Rabid Raccoon creeps into your dreams. There was nothing scary about the raccoons in that movie beyond their penchant for trash.
And Anton, kudos on the Monty Python reference! It took me waaaaay too long to get it! Damn coffee...
Amy said…
It's just "Bunnicula" on steroids, for adults. Who get the Bunnicula reference.
Llehn said…
Whoa. Zombie raccoons! *runs for the door*
Anton Strout said…
Every time I check it out, it cracks me up in a new way.
Nicole Peeler said…
Jackie: Dude, it's the rummaging about in trash that gets me. They rummage with their TINY, TINY HANDS. Furry things aren't supposed to have hands, and especially not tiny ones. That can unlatch things. *shudders*

Amy: I LOVE Bunnicula. I actually found and reread the series when I was visiting my parents, just a few years ago. They're such great books.

And rabbits, vampire or no, don't have hands.
Vickie said…
If you look closely, you can see the little zombie racoon's midriff....
Nicole Peeler said…
And the & sign sort of looks like a little raccoon midriff tattoo . . .
Adele said…
I want it!!! I swear my bunny is a direct descendant of the Monty Python killer bunny.
Anton Strout said…
You'll just feed it to that giant snake!

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