Back from the land of ice and (Insert frustrated expletive here)

Hey all,

I'm sorry for my late arrival. Trust me, it wasn't an effort to be fashionably late. I'm rarely fashionably anything.

I'm Molly Harper. My first book, NICE GIRLS DON'T HAVE FANGS, is being released on March 31. And for the last week, I have been stranded by an ice storm, living in my inlaws' living room, without electricity, with my two children under the age of 5. We all made it out alive, but just barely. Thousands of people remain without power more than a week after the initial storm. I have never seen so many trees down! I just moved back into my newly electrified house about an hour ago. I will never ever take showering with the lights on, cooking indoors, or sleeping without keeping a flashlight nearby for granted again.

If you've been watching the national news coverage of the ice storm, most of it has been based in my hometown of Paducah, KY. My husband, a local police officer, just barely missed being interviewed by the Weather Channel's Jim Cantore on air. Thus, his man-crush on Cantore continues unrequited.

The good news is, being trapped, by frigid, icy weather, in the dark, in a small enclosed space, really helped me get in the mood for making copious notes for my next project, a werewolf romance set in Alaska. Over the course of the week, I wrote about 20 pages of notes Abe Lincoln-style. (Meaning by candlelight, not that I had a crazy spouse or bullet wound to the head or anything.) I'm hoping to start working on this book as soon as I put the finishing touches on the third book in the NICE GIRLS series, NICE GIRLS DON'T LIVE FOREVER.

Anyway, I'm really looking forward to blogging here with the league. I'm a former newspaper reporter turned church secretary turned novelist. I'm married to my high school sweetheart, who thinks it's awesome to have a wife who writes vampire smut. (The guy sat through the Twilight move twice, now that's love.) I spent about a year writing NICE GIRLS DON'T HAVE FANGS and another year finding an agent and a contract with Pocket Books. I'm still very new to the world of publishing, and the league members have taken me under the collective wing. I'm very grateful.


T.M. Thomas said…
There is nothing wrong with anyone having a Cantore crush.

Welcome. We're glad you're back into the light.
Taylor Marie said…
Hi Molly, I'm Taylor!
Trapped inside by an ice storm? ): Ouch.
I live in Australia (Sunny Queensland) So I don't get snow or anything..
I'd love it though. I want to move to the snow.
I love cold. (x
*shakes your hand*
Nice to meet you!
Anonymous said…
Hey Taylor! There's a bookstore in Perth that's going to be carrying my book. I realize that Australia's a huge country and you may be no where near Perth- sort of like how I get annoyed when people seem to assume that people from Kentucky know each other- but still it's very exciting!
Taylor Marie said…

I live near Brisbane, which is on the other side... (x But thank you for telling me! I'll probably just order it off Amazon.
Janet Reid mentioned your book on her blog. She said it was one helluva distraction. : )

Is it just me, or does it look like the girl on your cover is brushing her fangs? I appreciate a vampire who takes the time to care for her teeth. Wouldn't want a set of nasty chompers anywhere near my neck.
Lori T said…
Wow Molly, stuck in an ice storm with no electricity and two little ones under five. I am glad that everyone is okay and you have power now.

Welcome and I am really looking forward to Nice Girls Don't Have Fangs which is releasing on my daughter's birthday.
Anonymous said…
nice to meet a new author
Anonymous said…
Welcome Molly,

Wishing you a lot of success.

Terri said…
Welcome to the League!

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