Report on New York ComicCon

Hi friends—If you have a minute, check out today’s Biting Edge—Twin Trauma, AKA Krystn, sent a report on NY ComicCon including very nice comments about some of our League members. Think you’ll enjoy it.

Also, remember the contest is still going on here. Response has been so good, that I"m doubling the prize--that's right--you now have two chances to win all that loot. Saturday I'll post winners and begin my writers' room series.

Stay tuned....


Janicu said…
Sigh. I kind of wanted to go, but I'm shy so I wanted someone to go with me and no one would! Maybe next year.. looks like it was awesome.
Jeanne Stein said…
I agree, Janicu-- I wish I'd gone, too!!
Anonymous said…
You can add me to that list of wishing I could go would also love to be able to go to DragonCon but the budget just won't allow it.

Anonymous said…
So, so jealous! I'm glad that you guys got such good exposure, though!
Anonymous said…
BTW, I meant I am jealous, not accusing anyone. I don't come across well in print... which is unfortunate given my chosen field...
Lori T said…
I would love to be able to go to any conference...there is nothing really around me...unless I go to Denver and I do not think that I could convince anyone to go with me.
Jeanne Stein said…
Okay, Lori T-- what's wrong with Denver? :-) We have MileHiCon in October and a couple of other smaller local conferences but to be honest, I don't know much about them myself.


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