Who Wants Free Swag?!?

/glances around

I'm Jeremy (a.k.a. J. F. Lewis) and I work in the word mines late at night when the grues are out. It's fun really... getting chased around the mines with nothing but your imgination for protection. You should try it! (Just sign the waiver first.)

In my free time, I... I... Free time.


In honor of the new website and the cool new Leaguers (and so Mark won't feed me to the zombies) I'm tossing out a signed ARC of ReVamped. It's book two in my Void City series. All you have to do is comment. See? How simple is that?

If you'd rather have a can of SpaghettiOs, I'll sign that too, but you're a strange one.

Check back here on Monday to find out if you're a winner.


Free time... quite expensive, isn't it? Book looks great!
Chris said…
Hmm. I think the signed ARC is going to beat out the SpaghettiOs for me. :)
Anonymous said…
Grues? And they didn't give you some form of light so that you could not only see the words you mine, but keep them at bay? What kind of sadists are your editors, anyway?
SciFiGuy said…
Gotta love the title. Staked was great. Looking forward to this.
Verification was bledasit
Hmm...BLED-AS-IT. Wonder if that's auspicious.
Taylor Marie said…
*high 5 to SpaghettiOs*
But I think I would rather the signed ARC, too.
Man that signed can of Speghetti O's is tempting. But I'll settle for the ARC instead (=
Anonymous said…
Okay, my original comment vanished. I'll try again, becaused I'd really like to get revamped with a cool ARC of Revamped.

Tom Gallier
Anonymous said…
I'd love free stuff!

I'm being honest.
I don't mean to be greedy, but is there a chance for both? It's been a while since I've had a good can of SpaghettiOs. Mmm...processed tomato sauce...delicious.
Anonymous said…
An ARC of Revamped would be cool. I'm not too keen on SpaghettiOs though ;)
Anonymous said…

You know me I would love the signed ARC of Revamped. And Maybe you could trap one of the Grues and send it too. Sorry no SpagettiO's too much cheese.

Lori T said…

I love the cover for ReVamped! I would love to be entered to win a signed ARC (and I really hope that Mark does not feed you to the zombies). I will have to pass on the SpaghettiOs...not so fond of tomatos in any form.
Tanya said…
I would love it...please.

donnas said…
It looks great, it sounds great, it must be great.
Evan said…
Free books are always awesome, especially when they are sequels to ones you like. But free food is awesome too... decisions, decisions.
Anonymous said…
I'm all about the vampire c... -- as Talbot cut Eric off. ;D Evan is right, sequels to books you like are key.

So Mark can't feed Jeremy to the zombies, because we NEED Void City. I'm just sayin'. Can NOT kill our supplier.

I'd underline that in red crayon if I knew how to get that to work in Blogger!

-- Yes, I'm *always* this coherent when I'm sleepy. :d

Anonymous said…
o i would so love a arc

love this blog!
im a very reluctant adult
Anonymous said…
The book looks really good! :)
Thanks for the opportunity!
Anonymous said…
SpaghettiOs or book? This is a lot harder than I thought . . .
sadieloree said…
I'll take the SpaghettiO's hands down. No,wait.... Is this a trick question?
Zita said…
I'd like the book. I'm not sure they'll let your mail SaghettiOs across the Canadian border...
alanajoli said…
I always want free swag. :) SpaghettiOs don't really work for me, though (and I hear they're expensive to ship, what with the metal cans and all).
Anonymous said…
Ohhh Cant wait for your second book to come out. Loved the 1st one!
Not so much on the spagettiOs lol
Anonymous said…
OK, so if I comment and win, I'll have to go buy and the read the first book, first. Verrrryy sneaky.
John said…
This book looks cool. I'll have to add it to my to read list.
Unknown said…
Then I shall comment... because I am currently reading Staked and loving it!
Anonymous said…
I am definitely interested in the book.

Though if someone else gets the book and the Spaghettios are still available, I'd be interested in them as well.
tetewa said…
I'd like to be included, count me in!
Anonymous said…
You aren't giving away MY signed ARC are you? Or my Spaghetti-O's?

BTW - "free time" is what you had before the Junior J's and writing took over your life.
KorynMarie- said…
Books are better than spaghetti ohs,, but bith are very nice :)
Anonymous said…
Books are WAY better than spaghettios!!
What a great oppertunity, Jer!

I've told you before that Robert (my boyfriend) and I are completely in love with Staked... I've been meaning to getting you to sign a copy of it for him but I'm forgetful and trying to get my own writing career started... so I keep forgetting. A signed copy of ReVamped would just blow his mind.

I'm itching for this book to release! C'mon March! Hurry up and get here >.>

Anonymous said…
Me, Me, me!!

Sorry if that was too obnoxious.

Hi Jeremy.
Vampy Nurse said…
I don't know.... Spaghetti O's sound awesome! all that sodium.... just thinking about it i'm retaining water!
Anonymous said…
Hmmm-- Having never read one of your novels, I think I'd love to have a crack at the signed ARC. I haven't eaten Spaghetti O's since college -- although if you sign them perhaps I could auction them off on ebay?!??! If someone can sell a potato chip with a smiley face...I'm certain that there will be a avid fan willing to pay for your can of Spaghetti O's. Either way I win! I get to read a great novel or I make some change...
Always and forever a reluctant grownup!!
GTPeach said…
free swag? never a drag! your book looks great. i'd read it late. :) (i know, poetry is lame. its late and my eyes hurt, but i would love the book)
Anonymous said…
If I would rather have a can of SpaghettiOs, why does that make me strange? If it's books or food, which would sustain human life?

I'll admit, if I were stranded on an island, I'd choose a book over food. Grass has nutrients right? RIGHT!?
Jo said…
I'm in!... please. =)
AngelaD said…
It's a definite toss up... the ARC wins by a minute margin.
Please count me in!
Anonymous said…
Count me in! I loved the first book and can't wait to read the second!!
urtead said…

But do the SpaghettiOs come with meatballs?

By the way, how did Campbell's, or at least Chef Boyardee, not think of the new Pizza Hut commercial gimmick first?

I mean, both companies have been making crappy Italian like "pasta" for much longer than Pizza Hut.

Maybe I am just bitter because I wanted to see a bunch of Italians rave about how the Beefaroni was just like their mother used to make it, only to end the commercial with the apparent chef holding up an opened can of Speghettios and everyone essentially reenacting the climatic scene in Ace Ventura when everyone realized Einhorn was a man.

But seriously, I loved "Staked" and I can barely wait for "ReVamped." By the way, is there any chance we might see a sample chapter or two before "ReVamped" comes out?
Lexx said…
I haven't read anything you've written, I'm just here for the swag and a meal. I would be inclined to read your work though for meat SpaghettiO's (It's a deal breaker if it's not Chef Boyardee). If you want to send the book too for daytime reading that's fine. What do you write anyway?
Anonymous said…
Man, free stuff. It's all good. Sign me up.
Anonymous said…
Free stuff is awesome, sign me up.
MonieG said…
I would love to win! I came here because I love Mario's books but I've found so many great authors.
Anonymous said…
I can't wait to read your books! :) I'm sure they are well worth it! :)
Janicu said…
Hmm, I kind of haven't had SpagettiOs in a LONG time, so it's temping to have a can to remember what it tasted like, but I think I'll go with the book.
Unknown said…
One more addition to the TBR list...and if you're *really* throwing in Spagetti-O's (which one of my exes decreed the most disgusting dish on earth), I'd be happy to take those as well. :-D
Daelith said…
Glad you escaped for a bit.

Sign me up too!
Anonymous said…
Yay! Free Swag! I loved your first book and cant wait for the second. This website is awesome too. So many books too little time!
Anonymous said…
Free swag? Really? You are cool! :) I'd like to try for the book. Canned food expires. Good fiction, never. ;)
Unknown said…
Although SpagettiO's would survive an atomic attack, and probally a zombie one too, Books are better:-) I am using your side bar's for more books to look up at my local stores!! THANKS!!!!
Unknown said…
I dunno, in this economy Spaghetti-Os may be more precious...but I'd still rather have the book!

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