You Know What'd Taste Good Right Now?

Some ROAD TRIP OF THE LIVING DEAD! Word is, the book has been spotted in the wild, preorders have been shipping for like two weeks, I signed books at the University Bookstore in Seattle last week and I know they're sitting in the stockroom of at least one Barnes and Noble. Could be wrong. I don't have all the answers.

What I do know is, if you pick up a copy and want a signed book plate and some swag, just send me an email with your address and I'll hook your ass up!

So...what can you expect from Amanda and the gang in this one? I think I'll make a list...

1. Drag Wolf Tanesha Jones and her airbrushed claws of doom!
2. Hot necrophilia (well sort-of in that Amanda's dead, kinda)
3. A Kranky Kraken and a trio of Chthulu brethren with speech impediments.
4. A bizarre homeless guy with the very fitting name Fishhook.
5. Cross-country mayhem and a trail of bodies.
6. Werewolf attacks and bloody battles at cheap roadside motels.
7. A superhot shapeshifting love interest (or at least lust)
8. MC Shaman and his pimp-cup o' plenty!
9. A Hindu Goddess in steampunk attire.
10. A 50's family with a striking resemblance to certain Flowers in the Attic.



11. An outbreak of zombie skinheads!

So...pick it up now at one of these fine retailers...
University Bookstore, Mysterious Galaxy, Powell's, Amazon, Barnes and Noble

Stay tuned for the winner of the Zombie Stimulus Package, later today, and don't forget to email for a book plate!


Anna said…
My copy got shipped out last week, I'm really hoping it arrives today.

Happy Release Day! :)
Anonymous said…
I wanted to read this anyway, but you have added 10 (make that 11) reasons why I absolutely have to read this.
Unknown said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said…
Swag?! Book plate!? Zombies!?


How does one email the great Mark Henry?
JenWriter said…
Yay! I've been looking forward to this book. How can I resist cross-country mayhem?
Nicole Peeler said…
Sounds AWESOME. Can't wait to feast my eyeballs.
Janicu said…
You were right! It WAS in the stock room of my B&N! I was wandering around the store, crying inside, looking for today's releases (which I couldn't find anywhere). I had to ask them to look for it. It was the only book that came out today that I wanted and was actually in the store; I had to order the rest.
Vampy Nurse said…
Hmmm, define swag....
Mark Henry said…
Swag = stuff

Y'all can reach me at...
Anonymous said…
I got my copy today! Let me ask, will it screw me up too badly to read them in the wrong order?
Mark Henry said…
I'm not a good person to ask, Filamena. It all blurs together for me. Anyone?

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