I'll be brief

LRA. Old school. Contest time.

Chosen from commenters.

Your choice of Dead To Me or the new book, Deader Still.
Dead To Me LJ Deader Still Promo
AND a signed can of Spaghetti-O's. I'm not cheap like those other fucks.

Annnnd... go!


YES! Finally, a man who has his priority straights. Freaking SpaghettiOs have been haunting me.
Anonymous said…
Look at me, I'm commenting. (Some day, I hope to have a bookshelf full of books I've won at blogs.)

Current count: 0!
Chris said…
Oh, a copy of the new book AND SpaghettiOs? Dude.
Jeremy F. Lewis said…
I'm after those darn SpaghettiOs, Anton!
Anonymous said…
There's something odd about signed Spaghetti...oh, wait, it's just the can. There might not be anything in it, which would be a relief in so many ways. Wouldn't want the signature to be damaged by botulism, now would we?

Although it would be kind of cool to have it, just as one of those conversation-starting pieces.

"Why yes, that's the can that the League signed. The story behind it is quite funny..."
Anonymous said…
Will you mail the spaghetti-o's to Canada?? :D These both look great! Should Dead to Me be read before Deader Still? or are they standalonish? :D
John said…
Meatballs, Franks or Plain? Any special shape?
Anton Strout said…
You CAN read them separately, but I think there's a deeper level to be achieved having read Dead To Me first.
donnas said…
Dead to Me totally, been on my wishlist for what seems like forever. And way to go including those Spaghetti-O's. I didnt know how to choose on the other one.
Anonymous said…
Thank you!
Anonymous said…
I love Spaghetti-O's, and a signed can no less! But along with lunch, I would love a copy of Deader Still to read while I eat. By the way, absolutely loved Dead To Me! Thanks for the fun contest.
I desire a book with canned pasta.
T.M. Thomas said…
I can't wait to eat the book and read the pasta.
Anonymous said…
i can have lunch and enjoy a good book! score!
Anonymous said…
A book AND Spaghetti-Os? Be still my heart.

I enjoyed Dead to Me and am looking forward to Deader Still.

Michelle C.
Elizabeth said…
Do the Spaghetti-Os have meatballs?
Anonymous said…
Yay, I don't have to choose! If I get a can (either one), I'm going to haul it to signings until I get the entire League. :)
Anonymous said…
I would love to have the new book because I have the first one that I have read twice. SpagettiO's I can leave the can out for friends to OH and Aye about.

tetewa said…
Would love to be able to read Dead To Me while eating the Spaghettio's!
Anonymous said…
SpaghettiO's... great, now I've got drool on my spacebar...
Tanya said…
Please - would love "dead to me"...the O's would kinda be cool too.

Unknown said…
Spaghetti Os!!! I want that! You can't get 'em in Canada any more, and I occasionally have to trundle down to Buffalo to get them.

Dead To Me is one of my fave books ever, so I DESPARATELY want Deader Still... hint, hint.

P.S. Was in Chicago over weekend and picked up Undone (Rachel Caine). Wasn't supposed to be out until the 3rd and I got it on Saturday (31st). Hope she gets paid for it...
KorynMarie- said…
Spaghetti ohs..YAY and a book, count me in!
Anonymous said…
I wouldn't actually have to eat the Spaghetti-O's, right? I would love to win a book though. Preferably Deader Still.
Anonymous said…
I would love to win Deader Still
Anonymous said…
I would be forever grateful for a copy of Deader Still... :)
Tez Miller said…
Ooh, Deader Still, please. The cat has not passed judgement on it yet ;-)

Have a lovely day! :-)
Anonymous said…
Well, since I bought Dead to me, I would like Deader Still.

May I have a can of the Chef Boyardee Ravioli instead of Spaghettios...that was my all time favorite when I was a kid.
Taylor Marie said…
Dead to Me, the book sounds awesome. (;
I've never had SpaghettiO's..
What am I missing out on guys?? ):
Now I is depressed.
Anonymous said…
please enter me. would love either book, but rather start off with the first. and the spagO;s

you do know im actaully starting to think about hunting a can of those of the kids to eat LOL and im dieting but yall getting that stuck in my head

and helloo anton ,nice to meet you, thisw blog rocks and alllllllll the way cool authors
Lori T said…
Wow...books and Spaghetti-O's...you are awesome!!
GTPeach said…
Why O? I think I would really love a can of sphagetti Qs! They're much more entertaining. Your book giveaway... also entertaining. Especially if I win. ;) Thanks cool author dude. I really have a soft spot for authors who interact with their readers. :)
Anonymous said…
ooh, Anton. your books have been on a HUGE lis of mine to read FOREVER! just.... my trips have to be quick, as im saving every spare penny for England. but i would love to read your book while flying through the UK on the train! :D you're always so nutty and witty in your LJ... i love that too! :D so, pick me, pick me!:D
Anonymous said…
Book AND food!?

The times have changed. In the olden days, we just got handouts with the staples that could be used for weapons. The handouts helped us to nurture our minds and assist our imagination of the food we desired.

Hypothetically, this happened. I think. In another dimension?
Well, it could have happened..
Unknown said…
Awesome! Who wouldn't be drawn in by the chance to win Spaghetti-Os?
Jo said…
Sounds great! So here I am....commenting... where's my book? And my Spagetti-Os?
Mikaela said…
.... Blogger swallowed my comment. sigh. I would love to have a book, preferably Dead to me, since I haven't read it :)
Anonymous said…
I want Dead To Me! I want it, I want it, I want it!

Spaghetti O's too, yum. I'll have to fight my munchkin for them though. (I don't think he'll care that the can is signed, he'll eat them anyway.)
Anonymous said…
ohhh more book contests, how exciting. Feel free to send someone else the Spaghetti O's LOL
Adele said…
Loved "Dead to me" and completely desperate to read "Deader Still". I don't think i've ever had Spaghetti O's would I like them?
ninjapirate said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
alanajoli said…
Spaghetti-O's are the perfect comfort food to accompany any Urban Fantasy novel. Mmmm... Spaghetti-O's and Simon, together at last!
Anonymous said…
Woo Hoo. Dinner and entertainment. Sign me up!!
FD said…
Darn it... After browsing the blog, I'm not only lusting after the books but now I'm hungry, too.
Anonymous said…
Wow, Spaghetti Os and a book, what could be better.
MonieG said…
A can of Spaghetti-O's and you book? This is one I have to have. Please enter me to win.
Janicu said…
Holy. I was thinking: why is no one posting on the League? And it turns out the feed url I had expired or something. Arhghh, no wonder.. Have to fix my reader list now.. oh and this is me throwing my name in the hat :)
Anonymous said…
Wow ! This would be a prize to put under lock and key to keep it safe.Crossing my fingers! Good luck to everyone.
StyleVamp said…
I would like a copy of Dead To Me..if I'm a lucky winner....please make the signing on the spaghetti-O's nice & big lol
Anonymous said…
Deader Still is the book I'd love to win, and a signed can of Spagetti-o's, Dude, that's going to be the coolest bookshelf ornament EVAH! :)
Daelith said…
I'd like a chance at Deader Still, but if I win you can give the Spaghetti-O's to Mark. :)

Wendy said…
A can of Spaghetti-O's? SIGNED? Sweet!
Wendy said…
And y'know, the book even sweetens the deal.

To the point, I'm getting a toothache.
Bunny B said…
Dead to Me!!
bunnybx at gmail . com

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