Do what now?

Here we go again. Shoot.

For those of you who don't know, I'm Caitlin Kittredge. I write books that may contain werewolves, ghosts, demons, witches, exorcists, punk rock, snuff porn, superheroes, and/or snark.

I also write novels for young adults.

To explain in a little more detail, I have two adult urban fantasy series running right now: the Nocturne City novels, your standard werewolf detective-meets-demonic villain situation comedy and the Black London novels, which is where all the snuff porn lives. (Okay, really, it was just the once.)

In my copious spare time I've co-authored a couple of superhero novels, The Icarus Project, along with Jackie Kessler.

And when I'm not doing THAT, I write steampunk fantasy for the YA market. My first novel in the Iron Codex trilogy, tentatively titled The Witch's Engine, comes out in 2010 and I'm ridiculously excited about it.

I sold my first book when I was 21 and so far I've written nine more, hopefully improving steadily. I have an English degree but somehow maintained my sense of humor, and I live near Seattle with some furry brats who occasionally let me have a corner of the sofa to sit and write. I'm a Type A obsessive-compulsive Virgo but my extreme youth and rate of caffeine consumption have given me the attention span of a meth-addled squirrel, so don't let that worry you.

But Caitlin! you cry. Enough with the bio! Tell us embarrassing and eccentric personal facts about yourself so that we may judge you!

All right then...during college I worked as both a phone psychic and a Hot Dog on a Stick girl, and had to wear hot pants to work. (For the hot dogs. Not the psychic readings.) I play classical violin and listen almost exclusively to vintage punk rock. I will read in a fake (but excellent) English accent from my London novels. My favorite word is "ubiquitous" and I can dislocate my pinkie toe. I collect comic books and refrigerator magnets. I was Goth in high school but I got better. I once deliberately hit my ex-boyfriend in the goods with a tennis ball. I have a disturbing habit of naming my household appliances. I'm a night owl and always have been, I hate the smell of zucchini and I'll drink pretty much anything if you mix it with vodka. I'm a writer, after all.

When I'm not working at my chosen profession I can often be found taking pictures, baking delicious foodstuffs, or watching Supernatural. Perhaps not coincidentally, I own a mint 1967 Chevy Impala.

In my spare time, I model for American Apparel.


Or am I?


Taylor Marie said…
Ohh! C'mon, no way! I love their '67 Impala, when did you get it?!
What did your ex-boyfriend do to make you 'hit him in the goods'?
Nice picture (:
Terri said…
Interesting... how bout a picture of the car?
deb said…
Ok,what did your boyfriend do to you?
And I so have car envy.LOL
Anonymous said…
Well sounds like you have plenty to keep you busy LOL. Looking forward to checking out your books (they are on my list, just waiting for my kindle woot)
Anonymous said…
Um, so, I just started watching Supernatural....last week... I am ALMOST (5 episodes left) done season 3!! OMG why did I wait so long? And yes, I lust after their are a lucky girl!
Christina said…
LMAO Caitlin. How are we to know you are telling the truth about the delicious foodstuffs? Are you willing to bake up goodies and bring them to Comicon? And I want to see the toe trick, cause I am weird like that.
Anonymous said…

Great books and yea I want to see the picture of the car. Glad he is an exboyfriend. Looking forward to reading Second Skin.

Lori T said…
Hi Caitlin~

I just started watching Supernatural this season and have bought the first two seasons and I am loving it. I cannot believe that I waited so long to watch this.

Your car sounds great!
Unknown said…
LOL, being a Goth isn't all that bad. Now, the uniforms at Hot Dog on a Stick, that's completely different story... ;)

Can't wait for Second Skin. I need another fix of Luna and Dmitri!

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